Why You Should Be Using Evergreen (Automated) and Just-In-Time Webinars to Grow Your Business
By: MaryKay, Founder
Sales while you sleep! What business owner doesn’t dream of making that kind of leveraged sales a reality?!
And for good reason. When you have systems that can leverage your time and convert leads to buyers independent of you actually doing the selling in real-time, you can grow your business faster. Leverage is the process of basically multiplying yourself. Leverage is what you are building when you expand your sales process from 1-on-1 conversations to 1-to-many presentations, as an example. Without leverage, you simply cannot grow beyond your own personal capacity. Automation gives you the ability to take a developed process that has been proven effective and drop it into a system that allows it to run automatically.
Evergreen webinars deliver both leverage and automation benefits to your business for accelerated growth… even sales while you sleep!
Leverage is the power to do more; it is employing systems to effect more change with less originating effort. In small businesses, leverage is the means by which you replicate yourself, systematically. Applied specifically to the sales process, leverage is attained as you go from a one-on-one sales process to a one-to-many.
One way to get leverage in your business is by hiring and training sales people. This can work, but finding people who can truly replicate your passion and commitment to your business is very challenging. And, you’ll still have a cap on your growth based on the capacity of the individuals with whom you find success… and only for as long as they choose to remain with your company. A better way for many small business to develop a one-to-many sales process is via a value-driven, edutainment sales presentation. These can be done live and in-person, live and online and as a recorded presentation that may be engaged based on a perpetually rolling forward schedule; aka: the Evergreen Webinar.
Like live webinars give you the capacity to sell one-to many, but they take it one important step further by utilizing systems that enable you to offer your best presentation any time you choose… even 3 times a day or more! In the early days of evergreen webinars, the recommendation was to make them appear to be live, and you still see vestiges of that in many systems today. Today’s attendees are much too savvy to be fooled by fake-live. Instead of gimmicks, take the time to do the preliminary work to ensure that your presentation can convert by running through it a few times with live online attendees, recording each time, and then convert your best run to the evergreen format using a system like ConvertMORE Webinars.
Automation is shifting repeat tasks from being done manually to being handled by systems. The key to successfully automating your processes, including automated sales presentations, aka: the evergreen webinar, is making sure the process it tested to be effective BEFORE trying to automate it! The essential points for automation for your evergreen webinar include:
- Giving registrants the ability to choose their preferred date/time. The automation perpetually moves the options forward relative to when I am filling out your event registration form.
- Sending a registration confirmation email.
- Sending reminder emails based on their chosen presentation date/time. We recommend a series of emails sent at 24, 6, 3, and 1 hour(s) in advance plus either an email or a text message between 15 and 5 minutes before the registrant’s chosen time.
- The webinar start at the registrants chosen time.
- An insertion point for late arrivals + a point after which a late arrival is no longer allowed to attend that directs the late attendee to a re-registration page.
- Follow up specific to the actions of the registrant including no-show, attended as scheduled, attended but did not remain on long enough to see your call to action (CTA), saw your CTA, stayed to the end, bought, did not buy.
- The entire purchase process!
If that sounds like a lot to automate, you’re right, it is. But with the right tools, the right guidance, and consistent action towards developing your evergreen webinar, you can begin realizing leveraged and automated growth in your small business.