Consulting Services

 Find the money hiding in your business.

In this unique, 2-session process, we will take a deep dive into your current business and chart how your ideal customer becomes aware of your brand, takes their first steps to engage, and ultimately makes their first purchase.

Next, we’ll identify the gaps in the journey and the opportunities for new offers, new ways of packaging and/or pricing current offers, new avatars, and new markets. This process reveals opportunities, previously hidden, to convert existing customers into repeat customers so you grow your Lifetime Customer Value and, with that, your profits.

In Session 1, we will collect the essential information on your business:

  • An overview of what your business does, who it serves, etc.
  • Your lead generation strategies and current results
  • Your current offer(s)
  • Your current revenue and the contribution of each offer to that revenue
  • How your product or service is delivered
  • Your current cost of goods or services – including your time

MaryKay will then create and present for review three individual  documents (flowcharts):

  1. Your Customer Journey
  2. Your Strategic Revenue Map
  3. Your Content Strategy 

In Session 2, we will review the flowcharts, make adjustments, and identify the opportunities most deserving of immediate action so you exit these sessions with a plan of action ready to execute.


  • 2 sessions, a total of 120 – 150 minutes of consultation time, recorded
  • Perpetual access to recordings
  • The final Customer Journey & Revenue Map

Investment: $1997

3-Hour Block of Strategic Consultation

Completely bespoke opportunity to get MaryKay’s input on any aspect of your business that you choose. The total time may be divided into sessions of between 30 and 90 minutes and may be used anytime over a 3-month period.  

All sessions are recorded and available perpetually from our client portal.

Investment: $997

grow your money tree

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MORE Sales: 5 Essential Questions Every Business Owner Must Answer About Their Product So You Can Craft Your Perfect Pitch

Walk through the same process we use with our premium clients to craft clear, compelling offers that convert!

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And Add $100K to Your Business without Sales Calls

If you are generating leads to…

Book sales calls to…

Deliver your program or service one-on-one…

You are making a lot less money than you should be, even if you’re charging a premium.

Break free of the time-for-dollars trap and add serious revenue to your bottom line.

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