Automation Implementation with Monthly Strategy Session

Get comprehensive systems and automation implementation, a strategic check-in, plus project management priced to fit your needs and budget.

If you LOVE technology and can ROI your time designing and developing marketing funnels, implementing campaigns, and integrating your e-commerce with your CRM, then, by all means, keep doing it. But if you don’t and you can’t, qualified help is at hand!

If you’ve tried to get support for this piece of your business, but the person supporting you knew even less than you do, or they were flaky and went poof right in the middle of a big launch, or … gosh, we have heard some stories! Seriously, nothing you can tell us about your past experiences would shock us, and we’d sure love the opportunity to wow you with automation support that gets it done and supports your business goals.

*Automation Implementation clients also receive a 10% discount on our Paid Advertising packages!

Choose from one of our standard levels or go custom:

  • Level 1:  Up to 10 hours + 50-minute strategy check-in $1697
  • Level 2:  Up to 15 hours + 50-minute strategy check-in $2197
  • Level 3:  Up to 20 hours + 30-minute strategy check-in $2697
  • Custom pricing for needs greater than 20 hours of development time per month.

Retainers include account management and direct access to your project manager through a private Slack channel.

It will cost you nothing to see if we’re a fit. Schedule your complimentary 30-Minute Discovery Session now.

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