ConvertMORE Complete

ConvertMORE Complete is our most comprehensive program for make-a-difference entrepreneurs to get MORE of what you started your business for.

This is not another “high-end coaching program” where you spend thousands and STILL don’t have what you need to move your business forward. Ideas and encouragement are great, but they don’t generate revenue until converted to products and services that your market is ready, willing, and eager to buy.

Why get just some of what you need when you can get it all? 

ConvertMORE Complete is the only program where you’ll work directly with MaryKay and Hannah, benefiting from their 25 years of combined experience working with small business owners and entrepreneurs. It’s like getting three fractionals in one: an fCMO, fCOO, and fCTO.

You’ll receive ConvertMORE’s proven perspective on your business, including relevant and proven marketing strategies, recommendations for automating pretty much everything you do, optimization of your operations and SOPs, and laser-focused coaching so you can keep your mindset tuned to success.

You’ll also receive our proprietary systems and best practices, effectively translating marketing and business development strategies into automated systems. MaryKay and Hannah personally trained the ConvertMORE team of experts, who are ready to design, develop, and implement according to our carefully crafted specs.

Complete includes:

  • Two 50-minute strategy and decision-making sessions with MaryKay and Hannah each month*. Sessions are recorded and posted in the client portal. You may include additional team members in these sessions at your option.
    (Value: $850/month)
  • Comprehensive Tech Development and Automation Implementation – the base package includes up to 20 hours/month. Up to 2 hours of the previous month’s hourly allotment may roll over to the next month if unused. If additional hours are needed, overage hours are available at the current deeply discounted rate.
    (Value: $2200/month)
  • No upcharges for rush, urgent, or emergency needs, including weekends.
    (Value $500+/month)
  • Comprehensive project management, including cross-team, if/as needed. Note: the time required for project management is unlimited and independent of the monthly allotted hours.
    (Value $750+/month)
  • Paid ads management for budgets up to $2000 per month (exclusive of ad-spend payment made directly to the platform).
  • Weekly 15-minute check-in between the CMC project manager and your business manager (or equivalent) to ensure a smooth collaborative flow and cross-team efficiency.
    (Value $300/month)
  • Front-line Customer Support – (optional) Whether you manage your customer support through email, Slack, or an integrated system, you’ll receive up to 4 hours per month from our lead customer support rep.
    (Value $350/month)
  • Document all major deliverables via Google Doc, Loom, Zoom recording, and/or other format as required for the specific deliverable. All project management time is provided as part of the retainer, and the time required does not count against the Implementation and Support hourly limit.
    (Value $500+/month)
  • All internal CMC team member communication related to your account.
    (Value $500+/month)
  • Input and final edits on all copy that is developed or worked on as part of the prescribed workflow + discounts on original copy from our copywriter
    (Value: $2500+/month)
  • Bonus: Access to MaryKay and Hannah – by text if necessary – for the “stuff” that comes up.

That’s a minimum value of over $8450.00 per month! 

Who’s an ideal candidate for Complete?

  • Make-a-difference business owners committed to the time and actions required to make substantive changes. Change, especially positive change, takes time. In most cases, you should expect 6 to 12 months of consistent action across multiple parameters to substantially up-level your business.
  • We are team players seeking team players. We are committed to partnering with you in mutual agreement to show up as professionals, be respectful, have fun, and do our best every day.

CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Call, and let’s explore if Complete is a fit.

*No scheduled sessions during the weeks of major holidays, including New Year’s, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.