Congratulations on your decision to make HubSpot the center of your marketing and sales automation tech stack.

Here is what’s included in your setup and onboarding:



  • Set up to 20 users – a combination of paid and/or free seats as required
  • Set up branding elements and templates
  • Ensure all billing and account information is correct and presenting to satisfy all legal requirements as dictated by your business, including CANN-Spam requirements
  • Integration of up to 3 tech platforms via direct integration when available and Zapier when not available. *Note: if custom-coded scripts are required, this will be priced separately. 


  • Migrate up to 5,000 contacts from your current database
  • Create custom Contact and Deal Property Categories as required for the business needs
  • Create custom Properties as dictated by the imported database and apply properties migrated contacts
  • Create up to one (1) Custom Object if the needs of the business dictate a Custom Object is desired


  • Hande all email domain authentication
  • Set up to 5 unique branded email templates


  • Set up Workflow Folders according to our proprietary system
  • Migrate or create new up to 3 starter workflows, choosing from the following:
    • A primary lead generation workflow 
    • A lead nurture workflow 
    • An evergreen webinar workflow (counts as 2 and requires additional software)
    • A course or program delivery workflow
    • A product onboarding workflow
  • Set up a Contact Us workflow for support submissions (optional)


  • Set up to 3 custom sales Pipelines, including all Pipeline Workflow automation as available based on the HubSpot product level 
  • Set up Deal views as required for effective management of each type of sales pipeline


  • Integrate with existing e-commerce platform via direct integration, when available, or Zapier when not


  • Add lead gen forms to the site based on the chosen campaigns under “MARKETING WORKFLOWS”
  • Integrate Gravity Forms with HubSpot (optional)
  • Add tracking code for Lead Source attribution


  • Strategic kickoff Zoom session during which we garner a complete-as-possible picture of your business needs, including customer journey, unique legal considerations, must-haves, etc.
  • A follow-up Zoom session to review the setup map ConvertMORE will create based on information gleaned in the Strategic kickoff as well as other information that may have been requested
  • Project management cross-team interface via a private Slack channel on ConvertMORE’s Slack account
  • Loom-hosted micro-trainings on various aspects of working in the application created using industry best practices and our proprietary processes. These are provided in a shared folder to which you will have perpetual access
  • A final team training hosted on Zoom, during which we will cover all aspects for all team members and shareholders for using your new HubSpot Sales and Marketing system. 
  • Perpetual and download access to all session/meeting recordings



  • Export and organize the database from the current system (Note: we will provide guidance based on the specifics of your system and database complexity.)
  • Copy, content, images, and other brand-specific requirements
  • Order history migration*
  • Active and/or canceled subscription migration*
  • Credit Card or similarly security sensitive data
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